Saint Barbara – Chester (Father Pancratios)
On Friday and Saturday 23rd & 24th August, the Consecration of Saint Barbara’s Church in
Chester will be celebrated by Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain. The
outline programme of services for the two days is as follows:
Friday 23rd
Arrival of the Sacred Relics and Archiepiscopal daily Vespers 5.30-7.00pm
Holy Unction 7.30-9.00pm
Service of Preparation for Holy Communion 9.00-9.30pm
Saturday 24th
Matins 8.30-9.45am
The Ceremony of Consecration 9.45-11.30am
Archiepiscopal Divine Liturgy 11.30-1.00pm
Full brochure to be found at the back of church
Saint Makarios the Great – Leeds (Father Constantin)
We are delighted to invite you all at our church consecration in Leeds, planned for Saturday
14 September, on the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
The program occasioned by the consecration will be as follows:
Friday, 13 September:
Byzantine Music Concert performed by "St. Great Martyr Demetrius" Choir from Craiova,
Romania 19:00 - 20:00
Common meal (Agapa) in the adjacent building 20:00 - 21:00
Vigil Service (Vespers, Artoklasia and Matins) 21:00 - 23:00
Saturday, 14 September:
Consecration service, followed by the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy 09:00 - 13:30
Common meal (Agapa) in the adjacent building 14:00 - 16:00
The consecration service and the Divine Liturgy will be led by His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph
I would appreciate if you could accommodate these dates; it is a unique event for our
Parish and we would like to share the joy of dedicating the church to God - Who helped us
to get it and decorate it according to our humble abilities and resources - with as many of
you as possible.
To better organise this event, please confirm your participation by return, no later than 30
Until then, please keep us in your prayers, so much needed now!
In Christ,
Fr. Constantin
Holy Trinity and Saint Luke – Erdington (Father Nicholas)
To celebrate 30 years of the establishment of our parish we would like to invite you to our
Conference on Saturday 21st September 2013.
Everyone is welcome at the Church:
Magnet Centre
Park Approach
Birmingham B23 7SJ
The programme of events for the day is as follows
Divine Liturgy 09:00-11:00
Breakfast 11:00-12:00
1st talk by Archimandrite Chrysostomos Michaelides 12:00-13:00
“The Word of God in our Life”
2nd talk by Hieromonk Peter 13:15-14:15
The Unequal Exchange of Earthly Life with the Heavenly Life in the Divine Liturgy”
Lunch 14:30-15:30
3rd talk by Archimandrite Zacharias 15:45-16:45
“The Prayer of Jesus in our Everyday Life”
Tea 17:00-18:00
Vespers 18:00
Departure Approx 19:00
To assist us with the catering please inform us if you are planning to attend:
Email: Text/Call: Fr. Nicholas 07432150760