Monday, 5 March 2018

March 2018 Services

At Audley ( ST7 8EN):

Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts 7.30pm

Wed. 7th; 14th; 21st; 28th

At Dresden (ST3 4PD):

Every Saturday
6pm Great Vespers.
Memorial before Great Vespers Sat. 3rd;10th; 17th.

Every Sunday
10am Matins and 11am Divine Liturgy.
Sun. 11th Veneration of the Holy Cross.
6pm Compline and The Life of Saint Mary of Egypt
 Thurs. 22nd.

6pm Small Compline and Akathist to the All-holy Theotokos,

Fri.2nd; 9th; 16th; 23rd .


Holy Baptisms
3rd; 17th; 24th.

10th (at Audley)

20th Photini (Julie)
25th Mary Makings and Despina.

20th Matthew Kinnersley; Ioannes (2013)
23rd Elizabeth Boothby (2007)
28th Fr. Patrick (2008)
29th Barbara Worth (2008)

Parish Feasts

18th St. Edward’s, Aethelhampton.