Saturday, 2 June 2018

June 2018 Services

At Audley ( ST7 8EN):

Every Wednesday Liturgy at 11am
Friday 29th Liturgy at 11am

At Dresden (ST3 4PD / ST3 4NE):

Every Saturday : 6pm Great Vespers (except 30th )
Every Sunday :10am Matins 11am Divine Liturgy.


3rd (All Saints) Sorin and Roxana
22nd Alban Robert
29th Pauline Joan Baiasu; Paul Dominic; Pavlos Harvey; Fr. Elwin; Fr. Samir.


3rd Bede (2009)
15th Stefan (2014)

Parish Feasts

9th Doncaster
17th London, Saint Botolph

Mon. 4th June 7pm Meeting of Trustees/Council
Sun. 24th Parish AGM after the Liturgy.

Pilgrimage notices

Sat. June 30th Crowland
Sat. August 4th Ilam
Sat. October 6th Holywell