Thursday, 1 November 2018

November 2018 Services

At Audley ( ST7 8EN):

Every Wednesday: Liturgy at 11am;     
Except 7th and 28th but Thurs. 8th and Fri. 30th instead ;

At Dresden (ST3 4PD / ST3 4NE):

Every Saturday
6pm Great Vespers;

Every Sunday:
10am Matins;
11am Divine Liturgy;

On Sunday 11th at 10.55 we shall serve a short service at the WW1 Memorial outside the west end of the church at Dresden.

Parish Feast after Divine Liturgy on Sunday 11th in the Scout Hall. (Bring Food to Share after the Liturgy! )

The Nativity Fast begins Thur. 15th Nov.

3rd Winifride (Kim)
8th All Michaels and Gabriels.
9th Nectaria
11th Reader Martin
14th Philip Andrew; Philip Boothby
16th Matthew
20th Reader Edmund
21st Maria Onofrei
25th Catherine Maxfield
30th Andrew Davidchack; Andrew Onofrei;

Sabin Andrei; Philip Andrew; Andre Ayoub.

22nd Aurel (2013)