Friday, 14 March 2025

April 2025 Services

At Audley (ST7 8EN)
11am Liturgy 23rd & 30th 

At Dresden 
(ST3 4NE/ST3 4PD)

7pm Presanctified Liturgy 2nd/9th

7pm Akathist Fri. 4th

Sat. 5th 6pm Great Vespers
Sun. 6th 11am Hierarchical Liturgy and Ordination 

13th Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem - Divine Liturgy 11am

14/15th Bridegroom Matins 7pm

16th Great and Holy Wednesday - Anointing Service - 7pm

17th Great and Holy Thursday - Vesperal Divine Liturgy - 11am; Matins of the Twelve Gospels - 7pm

18th Holy Friday - Vespers - 2pm; Matins and Lamentations - 7pm (decorating bier and flowers before and after vespers)

19th Great and Holy Saturday - Vesperal Divine Liturgy - 11am; 

Midnight Office 11pm Holy Pascha  Matins of The Resurrection and Divine Liturgy follow.

Sun.20th Agape Vespers - 2pm followed by feast

Sat. 26th 6pm Great Vespers
27th 11am Divine Liturgy


Name Days
Pascha 20th Anastasia
23rd All named for Saint George and Saint Alexandra
25th Mark

8th Fanoula (2015)
16th John Yeomans (2002)
17th Demetra (2002)
22nd Chad (1999)

Parish Feasts
23rd Saint George, our Cathedral parish London
