Friday, 6 August 2010

Magdalen Wants!...

The “Art Cafe” is a voluntary group initially set up by the Stroke Association.
We meet once a fortnight in a community centre on Fegg Hayes Road. It is run for people who have had a stroke and for whom the hospital can do no more. As the Day Centres have been closed there is little or no support for any activity to maintain circulation, hand and eye co-ordination and mobility.
This group affords members a place to meet to discuss problems; we have a qualified and a trainee clinical psychologist in the team and yours truly who is qualified in Art Creative Skill and Sewing.
But, money for resources is tight and we need sewing and knitting needles, material of every description including card (coloured and plain), fabrics, paper, water colour pallets, water colour pencils, brushes - in fact all art materials.
We have a particular need for sewing machines and hand/electric food processers.
I am hoping that we can put on an exhibition at Christmas to raise money so we can become self funding.
Any questions or to have donations collected, please ring Magdalen McAtominey on 01782 723873.
Volunteers welcome too of course!