Wednesday, 3 July 2013

More admin ~ Parish Meeting 21st July 2013 at 1pm

This is the time to hear how things are going in our Parish of Saint Michael, Audley with Dresden.
There will be a report from your Parish Priest and an outline of hopes and plans for the future.
The Treasurer, Reader Martin, will give a report on our finances over the last year.
This is when we elect, or re-elect, church council members. These are the people you trust to raise and manage church funds and to help the priest in the running of the parish.
If you would be willing to serve on the council please ask someone to propose and second you (nomination slips inside this newsletter).
Nominations must be in to Fr. Samuel by the Sunday before the meeting at the latest.
As a church family we have a responsibility of love and care for each other, for our two churches and for our spiritual Father.
Please take this opportunity to show your support.