Friday, 2 August 2013
Treasurers Report for the Year Ending 31st March 2013
Overall, the financial position of the Parish remains reasonably healthy.
Despite the Parish now operating two churches, the increased support given by the Parish
members has not allowed the Parish as a whole to suffer from the increased expense.
Indeed, we have £6,000 more in the bank than we did at the same time last year.
Major remedial works to the Dresden building have been offset by the contribution from the
Anglican Diocese of Lichfield, a little of which remains to be spent.
It is worth noting however, that although we have two churches, we have only the expense of a
single Priest - and he does not receive what could be reasonably described as a salary at a
commercial rate.
On collections and other giving...
The Treasurer recommends a renewed push to encourage the congregation to make their
contribution to collections by Standing Order and to take advantage of the free government
donation offered by Gift Aid.
Those who already give by this method provide a reliable income for the Parish and it is an easier
method of paying to manage, especially by those who perhaps find themselves short of cash on a
Sunday morning.
Fayres held by the Parish to raise funds have been both lucrative and enjoyable events.
Those who put in many hours of hard work towards making these events a success continue to be
the usual few regulars however, and the attendance of other members of the parish has not been
particularly strong.
The same lack of enthusiasm was also seen at the celebratory gathering for the Feast of Saint
Michael in 2012.
For the coming year...
Expected major expenditure will result from the completion of the Iconostasis.
Oak mouldings will complete the framework to Church of England specifications and icons have
been commissioned from Efraim in Manchester.
It is hoped that individuals might contribute towards icons, perhaps in memory of loved ones.
At an estimated amount of £800 to £1000 for large icons (with single figures), this represents
outstanding value and is within the reach of many within the community - especially if they could
pay by instalments.
The wall at the east of the south aisle also requires work which will hopefully be met by the
remaining Lichfield Diocese funds.
Reader Martin - Treasurer