Our Annual pilgrimage to St. Bertram’s tomb at Ilam: Saturday 8th August
IONA: AN ORTHODOX HOUSEIona is unique in the British Isles: it is the cradle of Scottish Christianity, the legacy of St Columba, where the veil between heaven and earth grows very thin; whose white sands were once stained with the blood of martyrs. This September there will be on Iona a temporary Orthodox community. You can be part of it, worshipping in St Oran’s Chapel, where Scottish kings were buried. At Clachanach, a traditional Iona house, two volunteers will care for six guests each week, offering Orthodox worship, food, accommodation, and a simple way of life. Talks on Iona, its history and guided tours will also be available. The cost is £250pw, with £50 discount for bookings before Palm Sunday, or £25 discount for bookings between 18th May and Pentecost. (No bookings please between12th April and 17th May.) A few bursaries may also be possible, where there is need. Places are limited - please apply a.s.a.p. Pilgrims looking for a traditional, hotel-based experience of Iona should join the 2010 Friends of Orthodoxy Iona (FOI) Pilgrimage (see their website-click here). The 2009 Iona Orthodox House (not F.O.I.) is like staying in a scete.
Enquiries should be made to Reader Ignatios, Roseholm, Kilchuimen PH32 4DG; telephone 01320 366 457.

For more information contact Hugh and Imogen Maxfield.