Thurs. 1st 11am Vesperal Liturgy;
6.30pm Matins of the Twelve Gospels
Fri. 2nd 10.30am Royal Hours/decoration of the Bier;
2pm Vespers and Epitaphios Procession;
6.30pm Matins and Bier Procession.
Sat. 3rd 11am Vesperal Liturgy; Decorate church.
11.30pm Midnight Office; Paschal Light; Christos Anesti; Matins and Liturgy of Pascha.
Sun.4th 2pm Paschal Vespers of Love.
Sat. 10th 6pm Great Vespers.
Sun. 11th 10am Matins; 11am Divine Liturgy.
Sat. 17th 6pm Great Vespers.
Sun. 18th 10am Matins; 11am Divine Liturgy.
Thurs. 22nd 6.30pm Great Vespers of St. George’s Feast.
Fri. 23rd 11am Divine Liturgy for St. George’s Feast.
Sat. 24th 6pm Great Vespers.
Sun. 25th 10am Matins; 11am Divine Liturgy.
Name Days in April.
Pascha (4th) Anastasia.
23rd George Dobson; George Gandy; Georgina Chiurlea; Georgia Winter; Alexandra Davidchack; Alexandra Bendo
16th John Yeomans.
22nd Chad Makings.
Parish feasts.
23rd Our Cathedral of St. George in London.