Sat. 3rd 6pm Great Vespers.
Sun.4th 10am Matins; 11am Divine Liturgy.
Wed. 7th 6.30pm Great Vespers: Nativity of our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-virgin Mary.
Thurs.8th 10.30am Divine Liturgy.
Sat.10th 6pm Great Vespers.
Sun.11th 10am Matins; 11am Divine Liturgy. 6pm Anglican Service at The Church of Holy Resurrec-tion, Dresden, led by the Bishop of Stafford as a hand-over ceremony for our leasing of the church building.
Tues.13th 6.30pm Great Vespers.
Wed. 14th 10am Divine Liturgy; Elevation of the Holy Cross.
Sat.17th 6pm Great Vespers.
Sun.18th 10am Matins; 11am Divine Liturgy.
Sat.24th 6pm Great Vespers.
Sun.25th 10am Matins; 11am Divine Liturgy.
Fri.30th 11am Akathist
Name Days in September.
5th Emma Louise Elizabeth Bostan. 8th Francesca Joy.
9th Anna Oshkereli. 17th Sofia Bartholomew.
24th Thekla Read. 26th John Roger Makings; John Martin Chadwick.
3rd Leon Liddament (2010)
10th George Fearns (2005)
24th Father Dennis (2010)
Deanery Parish Patronals.
14th Holy Cross, Lancaster.
19th Saint Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of Canterbury, Maccles-field.
Future Dates.
3rd September: Lastingham Pilgrimage.
3rd September: “It’s good to live in Audley Day”.
1st October: Holywell Pilgrimage.
The Church of the Holy Resurrection, Dresden.
On Monday 12th September the Anglicans will begin to put in store the things which we shall not need. As soon as possible, we shall begin to make the church suitable for Orthodox worship. This will take some time, but we shall begin to use the church in its temporary state of refurbishment as soon as possible. We shall then have the same services as at Audley on Saturdays and Sundays in Dresden.