Thu 2nd 11am Vesperal Liturgy
7pm Matins of the Twelve Gospels
Fri 3rd 11am Royal Hours and decoration of the Bier
11am to 1pm Decoration of the Bier
2pm Vespers and Epitaphios Procession
7pm Matins and Bier Procession
Sat 4th 11am Vesperal Liturgy
11.30pm Christos Anesti, Matins and Divine Liturgy of Pascha
Followed by Feast in the Scout Hall
Sun 5th 2pm Paschal Vespers
Wed 8th 11am Divine Liturgy
Sat 11th 6pm Great Vespers
Sun 12th 10am Matins; 11am Divine Liturgy
Wed 15th 11am Divine Liturgy
Sat 18th 6pm Reader Vespers
Sun 19th Fr Samuel Away - 10am Reader Matins and Typika
Wed 22nd No Service – Fr Samuel Away
Sat 25th 6pm Reader Vespers
Sun 26th 10am Matins; 11am Divine Liturgy
Wed 29th No Service – Fr Samuel Away
Name days
6th Fr George Robinson (OS)
8th Patriarch John; John Maxfield
9th Stephan Robinson
10th Simon Harvey
21st Fr Constantin; Helena Badin; Elena Bendo; Helena Carson; Ileana Grigoriou
29th Lucas Joy
30th Isaac Norman Davies
20th Jean Grace (2008)
Deanery Parish Feasts
12th Saint Aethelheard, Louth
19th Saint Dunstan, Poole
21st Saint Helen, Colchester; Saint Constantine, York
In our Antiochian Patriarchate there is no fasting during the Paschal Season right through
to Feast of the Ascension (13th June).
Because of the late date of Pascha there is no Apostles’ Fast this year!