Thursday, 5 December 2019

December 2019 services

At Audley (ST7 8EN)

Wednesday 11am Divine Liturgy

18th; 1st January

Except 4th (but Friday 6th
Except 11th and 25th;

At Dresden (ST3 4NE/ST3 4PD)

Every Saturday 6pm Great Vespers

Every Sunday 10am Matins;
11am Divine Liturgy

Wed 11th Mary's funeral (morning at Dresden)

Wednesday 25th 10am Divine Liturgy of the Nativity of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ. (Note the earlier time.)

Mon. 2nd Meeting of Trustees/Council 7pm

Name Days

6th Nicholas Brian; Nicoleta
13th Lucy Fahey
22nd Jonathan Bartholomew
27th Stefan Ron
28th Simon Stone
29th Joseph Clive


5th Patriarch Ignatios (2012)
7th Deacon John Mark (2007)
8th Archimandrite David (1993)

Parish Feasts

20th Saint Ignatios, Belfast

Sunday, 3 November 2019

November services 2019

At Audley (ST7 8EN)

Wednesday 11am Divine Liturgy
6th; 13th; not 20th but 21st;27th  

At Dresden (ST3 4NE/ST3 4PD)

Every Saturday 6pm Great Vespers
Except 9th 

Sat 30th 11am Divine Liturgy : Saint Andrew. 

Every Sunday 10am Matins; 
11am Divine Liturgy 
With the blessing of Metropolitan Silouan Sunday 10th our Parish Feast (bring food to share in the Scout Hall)

Mon. 11th at 11am Memorial Service at the WW1 MEMORIAL in the churchyard 

Name Days

3rd Winifride Kim
8th Victor; Gabriella; Michael Aurel;
Gabriella Bostan; 
Fr. Ciprian Mihai; Fr. Mihai Razvan
9th Nectaria
11th Reader Martin
13th Ioannis
14th Philip
16th Matthew
20th Reader Edmund
21st Maria
25th Catherine
30th Andrew; Philip Andrew; Sabin Andre;
Andrew Davidchack; Andre Ayoub


22nd Aurel

Parish Feasts

8th Saint Michael's, Audley and Dresden

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

October 2019 services

At Audley (ST7 8EN)

Wednesday 11am Divine Liturgy
2nd; 9th; 16th; 23rd; 30th

At Dresden (ST3 4NE/ST3 4PD)

Every Saturday 6pm Great Vespers
Every Sunday 10am Matins;

11am Divine Liturgy

Except Saturday 5th

Pilgrimage to Holywell in N.Wales Post code CH8 7LS   
Bring picnic lunch

10.30am Hours and Divine Liturgy

Procession to the Well with the Relic of Saint Winifride, Molieben and Agiasmos 

Concluding at 3pm Great Vespers

Name Days
9th James
12th Wilfrid; Edwin
23rd Iakovos
28th Sub-deacon Terence

10th Richard Grace (2013)

19th Metropolitan Gabriel (2007)

Sunday, 1 September 2019

September 2019 services

At Audley (ST7 8EN)

Wednesday 11am Divine Liturgy

4th; 11th; 18th and 25th

At Dresden (ST3 4NE/ST3 4PD)

Every Saturday 6pm Great Vespers

Sat. 14th 11am Divine Liturgy
and Elevation of the Holy Cross.

Every Sunday 10am Matins;
11am Divine Liturgy
22nd after the Liturgy Parish AGM

September 7th Summer Fair in the Scout Hall.

Come and help, come and spend, to help our church funds.

Name Days
5th Emma Louise Elizabeth
17th Sofia
23rd Xanthippe
24th Metropolitan Silouan; Thekla Read

26th John Martin; John Roger

3rd Leon (2010)
10th George Fearns (2005)
24th Fr. Dennis (2010)

Parish Feasts

14th Holy Cross, Lancaster

Advance Notice

Oct. 5th Pilgrimage to Holywell in 
N.Wales (CH8 7LS)  

Bring picnic lunch.
10.30am Hours and Divine Liturgy
Procession to the Well with the Relic of Saint Winifride, Molieben and Agiasmos 

Concluding at 3pm Great Vespers


Thursday, 1 August 2019

August 2019 services

At Audley (ST7 8EN)
Tuesday 6th 11am Transfiguration Liturgy and 
Blessing of First Fruits
Thursday 15th 11am Dormition Liturgy and 
Blessing of herbs
Wednesday 21st and 28th 11am Divine Liturgy

At Dresden (ST3 4NE/ST3 4PD)
Every Saturday (except 3rd) 6pm Great 
Every Sunday 10am Matins; 11am Divine 
(Sunday 4th with our Metropolitan Silouan. Please bring 
fasting food to share in the Scout Hall.)

Saturday 3rd Pilgrimage to Saint Bertram at 
September 7th Summer Fair in the Scout Hall
Come and help, come and spend, to help our 
church funds.

Name Days
16th Sub-deacon Radu
20th Fr. Samuel
28th Anna Frances Chadwick

Parish Feasts
9th Saint Matthias, Lincoln
31st Saint Aidan, Levenshulme

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Services July 2019



Saturday 7th September:
Our church fair - please offer help and items 
(clean and in good condition).

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

May and June 2019 Services

At Audley ( ST7 8EN):

Every Wednesday Liturgy 11am;
No Liturgy 29th May;

Every Wednesday Liturgy 11am;
Thu 6th June 11am Divine Liturgy for the Ascension;

No Liturgy 5th, 26th June and 3rd July;

At Dresden (ST3 4PD):

May and June

Every Saturday : 6pm Great Vespers;
Except 22nd ; 29th; 6th July

Every Sunday : 10am Matins; 11am Divine Liturgy.

Monday 20th 7pm - Meeting of Trustees/Council at Dresden;

Sat. 3rd August - Pilgrimage to St. Bertram at Ilam;

The first Saturday in August traditionally sees our hosting of the Pilgrimage to Ilam (click for directions) , in the Peak District . 
This is a full day of services which start at around 10.30am with the Divine Liturgy in the church adjacent to Ilam Hall followed by a picnic lunch. 
After lunch, those who are more mobile take a short trek to the spring of Saint Bertram for the Blessing of the Waters, while those who cannot make the spring walk round to Saint Bertram’s Cave on the banks of the river Manifold. 
The day finishes with the veneration of the shrine of Saint Bertram followed by Great Vespers in the church. 
Each year more and more people from more and more parishes are attracted to this wonderful day out. 

Name-days in May

4th Polina Pelagia
8th Patriarch John and Hugh
10th Simon Harvey
21st Fr. Constantin; Dr. Elena Aileni; Ileana Badin;
 Helena Batkin; Elena Bendo; Emma Fahey; Ileana Grigoriou; Elena Page.

30th Isaac Norman

Name-days in June

22nd Alban
23rd Sorin & Roxana
29th Pauline; Paul Dominic; Pavlos

Reposed in May

20th Jean Grace (2008)

Reposed in June

3rd Bede (2009)
15th Stefan (2014)

Parish Feasts in May
21st Colchester and York.

Parish Feasts in June
9th Doncaster
17th London, St. Botolph


Friday, 1 March 2019

March and April 2019 Services

At Audley ( ST7 8EN):

No Liturgy on 6th March.

13th, 20th, 27th March at 7.30pm  - Liturgy of Pre-sanctified Gifts;
Mon. 25th March Annunciation Liturgy at 11am;
3rd, 10th, 17th April at 7.30pm - 
Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts;
Thurs. 25th April at 11am - Divine Liturgy;
Mon. 29th April at 11am - Liturgy for Saint George, transferred from 23rd

At Dresden (ST3 4PD):

Every Saturday : 6pm Great Vespers (except 9th)
with Memorials March 2nd; 23rd; 30th; April 6th

Every Sunday :10am Matins; 11am Divine Liturgy.
Forgiveness Ceremony after Liturgy 10th March; 
Icon Procession after Liturgy 17th March;
Palm Procession 21st April after Liturgy;

Great Canon 7pm 11th; 12th;14th March; 11th April
Akathist 7pm 15th; 22nd; 29th; March; 12th April

Sat. 20th April at 11am Divine Liturgy of Lazarus;
Bridegroom Matins April 22nd and 23rd at 7pm;
24th April Anointing Service at 7pm;
Thursday 25th at 7pm Matins with twelve Gospel Readings;
Fri. 26th April at 10am Decorate the Bier;
12noon Vespers and Epitaphios Procession;
6pm Matins and Bier Procession;
Sat. 27th April at 11am Divine Liturgy; 11.30pm (Sun 12am) Matins;  New Light and Liturgy of Pascha; (3am food in Scouts Hall);
Sun. 2pm Paschal Vespers of Love.

Name Days

March 2019
18th Edward Bendo; Dylan Edward; server Edward
20th Photini (Julie)
25th Mary Makings; Despina
31st Marianne

April 2019
23rd George Dobson; George Coulis; George Gandy; Georgia Winter; Alice Davidchack; Alexandra Bendo;


March 2019
20th Matthew Kinnersley; Ioannes (2013)
23rd Elizabeth Boothby (2007)
28th Priest Patrick (2008)
29th Barbara Worth (2008)

April 2019
8th Fanoula (2015)
16th John Sidney Yeomans (2002)
17th Demetra (2002)
22nd Chad Makings (1999)

Parish Feasts
18th March  Saint Edward Aelthelhampton
23rd April  our Cathedral of Saint George, London
March 4th Meeting of Trustees/Council 7pm at Dresden


Friday, 1 February 2019

February 2019 Services

At Audley ( ST7 8EN):

Every Wednesday Liturgy at 11am

At Dresden (ST3 4PD / ST3 4NE):

Every Saturday : 6pm Great Vespers

Every Sunday :10am Matins
 11am Divine Liturgy

Sat. 2nd : 11am Divine Liturgy

17th is the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, so no fasting 17th to 24th;

Name Days
3rd  Archimandrite Simeon; Anna Frances; Anna Nicolaou
11th Teodora
19th Philothei
23rd Valentina
26th Photini

2nd Fr. Alban (2009)

10th Photini (2006)

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

January 2019 Services

At Audley ( ST7 8EN):

Every Wednesday Liturgy at 11am

Tuesday Jan 1st 11am Divine Liturgy

No service on Wed. 2nd.

At Dresden (ST3 4PD / ST3 4NE):

Every Saturday : 6pm Great Vespers (Except: Sat 5th)

Every Sunday :

10am Matins

11am Divine Liturgy

Sat. 5th 11am Divine Liturgy and Great Blessing of the Waters in church
Sun. 6th Outdoor Blessing of the Waters after the Liturgy (about 2pm on Longton Brook next to St Mary's Fish Bar car park - click for directions)

Name Days
1st Vasiliki
3rd Genevieve
7th Jan; Oana; Afaf
14th Nino
17th Antony; Antonis
27th Nina (OS)

6th Archpriest Michael Harper (2010)
14th Mary Carter (2005)
18th Fr. John (2001)
24th Peter Higgs (2016)

Parish Feasts
13th Doncaster (Saint Kentigern)
16th Sutton (Saint Fursey)