Sunday, 1 September 2019

September 2019 services

At Audley (ST7 8EN)

Wednesday 11am Divine Liturgy

4th; 11th; 18th and 25th

At Dresden (ST3 4NE/ST3 4PD)

Every Saturday 6pm Great Vespers

Sat. 14th 11am Divine Liturgy
and Elevation of the Holy Cross.

Every Sunday 10am Matins;
11am Divine Liturgy
22nd after the Liturgy Parish AGM

September 7th Summer Fair in the Scout Hall.

Come and help, come and spend, to help our church funds.

Name Days
5th Emma Louise Elizabeth
17th Sofia
23rd Xanthippe
24th Metropolitan Silouan; Thekla Read

26th John Martin; John Roger

3rd Leon (2010)
10th George Fearns (2005)
24th Fr. Dennis (2010)

Parish Feasts

14th Holy Cross, Lancaster

Advance Notice

Oct. 5th Pilgrimage to Holywell in 
N.Wales (CH8 7LS)  

Bring picnic lunch.
10.30am Hours and Divine Liturgy
Procession to the Well with the Relic of Saint Winifride, Molieben and Agiasmos 

Concluding at 3pm Great Vespers
