Wed 4th 7pm Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts
Sat 7th 11am Lazarus Saturday Liturgy
Sun 8th 7pm Matins of the Bridegroom
Mon 9th 7pm Matins of the Bridegroom
Tue 10th 7pm Matins of the Bridegroom
Thu12th 11am Vesperal Liturgy of Saint Basil
Fri 13th 11am Royal Hours followed by Decoration of the Bier
Sat 14th 11am Vesperal Liturgy of Saint Basil
Sun 15th 2pm Paschal Vespers of Love
Services at the Church of the Holy Resurrection, Red Bank, Dresden
Sun 1st 10am Matins; 11am Divine Liturgy
Sat 7th 6pm Great Vespers
Sun 8th 10am Matins; 11am Divine Liturgy
Wed 11th 7pm Anointing Service
Thu 12th 7pm Matins with the Twelve Gospels
Fri 13th 11am onwards Decoration of the Bier; 2pm Vespers with
Procession with Epitaphios; 6pm Matins and Procession with Bier
Sat 14th 11.30pm Midnight Office; Paschal Light; Matins and
Divine Liturgy of Pascha
Sat 21st 6pm Great Vespers
Sun 22nd 10am Matins; 11am Divine Liturgy
Sat 28th 6pm Great Vespers
Sun 29th 10am Matins; 11am Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with Bishop Efraim
Name Days
15th Pascha – Anastasia Howorth
23rd Fr George; George Dobson; George Gandy; Alexandra Bendo; Georgina Chiurlea;
Alexandra Davidchack; Georgia Winter
26th Stephan Robinson
16th John Yeomans (2002)
22nd Chad Makings (1999)
Patronal Feast
23rd Our Cathedral of Saint George in London
Advanced Notice of Pilgrimages
Sat 16th June Crowland
Sat 23rd June Pisani Chapel open day
Sat 28th July Stoney Middleton Liturgy
Sat 5th August Saint Bertram Liturgy at Ilam
Sat 8th September Lastingham