Miracle in Skopje
One week before Pascha, on 8th
April 2012 in the church of Saint
Demetrius in Skopje,
Macedonia, a miracle happened.
Pilgrims and Priests saw the
frescoes clean themselves,
become redder and change
character. In just a few minutes
frescoes were cleaned and the
wings of angels appeared as red
rivers that stretched the entire
Father Zoran, during the morning Liturgy said that such an occurrence had only been

Orthodox faith miracles happen,” he
said. “God sends a message that more
need to turn to spirituality and not to
material things.”
The church was visited by the Head of
the Macedonian Orthodox Church, His
Beatitude Stefan, who personally
assured the legitimacy of the miracle.
Samples have been taken from the walls
of the 16th Century church and experts
from Macedonia's Directorate for
Cultural Heritage Protection have also taken a look. Pasko Kuzman, head of the Directorate, made no predictions.“I do not wish
explanations offered by experts to infringe on people’s belief in a miracle,” Kuzman said.
“Time will tell if it’s a miracle,” said Bishop Petar, a spokesperson for the Church, “but I
don’t think anyone came in at night and cleaned the frescoes, especially those located high
up on the ceiling.”