Short notice again, but registrations for this fascinating trip must be received by 10th May
2012 for the pilgrimage to “The frescoed monasteries of Bukovina” which takes place
between 3rd and 12th July.
Metropolitan Joseph of the Romanian Orthodox
Church will lead the pilgrimage around some of
these fascinating and beautiful sites.

there, coach travel, full board accommodation,
entrance tickets, a cruise on the Danube and
multilingual guide services are included in the
price of just 490 euros.
We will try to obtain more advanced notice of
future pilgrimages!
Alternatively of course, we have not only
Romanians in our congregation but also many
other nationalities too who would be very
pleased to advise you if you wanted to make
your own trips to their homelands.
Let’s not forget as well that we have some interesting religious sites here in the UK, not all
of which are visited formally by the Parish.
Taking a break closer to home? Have a look on the web and you will often find that there
are relics, shrines or churches connected with early British Saints. Perhaps the church dates
from after 1054 – but there is often a stained glass window or printed information which
will help us learn a little more about our own early Christian heritage here in Britain.